Office of the Registrar
Telephone: (812) 855-6500
Contact Form
General Information
Information regarding the Release of Student Information Policy, registration, drop/add deadlines and procedures, and other general information is available throughout the Enrollment and Student Academic Information Bulletin.
Student academic record information not found in the Enrollment and Student Academic Information Bulletin can be obtained by contacting Student Central, 408 N. Union St., 855-6500.
Comments or questions regarding the planning, management, and evaluation of enrollment or the Enrollment and Student Academic Information Bulletin should be directed to Student Central, 408 N. Union St., 855-6500.
Please refer to Student Central's enrollment verification page for current procedures regarding enrollment verifications for loan deferments, insurance companies, or other student benefit program organizations. Academic record information available for verification may include prior and/or current enrollment, enrollment status, GPA, and final degree conferral.
Degree verifications will not be issued to students who have holds on their record that prevent transcript release. You can contact Student Central at (812) 855-6500 to determine if you have this type of hold on your record.
"Public information" includes semesters enrolled, full/half-time status, and degree verification. According to federal law and IU policy, we must obtain a student’s signature before we can release "private information" such as grades, GPA, good academic standing, and class schedule.
Change of Name
Current and Former Students
If your name has been legally changed, you’ll need to upload legal documentation using our secure contact form using the topic Update Name or Profile under the Student Records heading. Please submit legal documentation such as Social Security card, marriage certificate, or official court document. Once your form has been processed, your new name will be reflected on your academic record.
Your preferred and degree name can be changed in Student Self-Service. Go to Personal information (students) in One.IU, and click Start. Click edit to modify your preferred or degree name.
Note: If a student is also an employee, s/he must submit a name change to Human Resources, 2709 E. 10th Streeet, Suite 321. Academic employees should submit their change to Faculty Records, Bryan Hall 016.
Change of Address
Any student whose local* (Bloomington area) address or telephone, or permanent student home (Stdt home) address or telephone number has changed should immediately report that change of address. The student home (Stdt home) address is the only address reflected on a student's permanent records.
(*Exception: students living in the Halls of Residence or university housing should not update their Local address. This information will be maintained by the university.)
- Current students may access One.IU and update your address electronically. Use the search field to locate the Personal Information option and select the tab labeled Addresses to edit your addresses.
- Former students who have not been enrolled in any classes for two consecutive terms and whose computing accounts have been disabled, please submit your address change through our secure contact form using the topic Update Name or Profile under the Student Records heading.
- Academic employees should submit their changes to Faculty Records, Bryan Hall 016.
Item | Mailing Addresses | When Mailed (approx.) |
Current Enrollment Problems | Local | throughout the semester or summer sessions |
Diplomas | Diploma | 8-10 weeks after final degree is awarded |
Final Grades
Final grades will be available via One.IU as they are submitted by the faculty and posted to your record. To view your grades:
- Type "View Grades" in the search field and follow the link.
- Select the Academics drop down menu and click on the "Grades" link.
- The current term graes and GPA will show. You may selet "Term" to see previous term grades.
Please note that your semester and cumulative grade point averages will not be available until the grades are officially posted to the transcript (see Official Calendar for more information). Grades are available via One.IU at any time, except for 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. each morning, Monday through Saturday, and 12:01 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. on Sunday.
Grade Symbols and Abbreviations
Grading and Credit Point System
The following grades are considered in computing semester or cumulative grade averages.
Grade | Points | Grade | Points | Grade | Points | Grade | Points |
A+ | (4.0 Pts.) | B+ | (3.3 Pts.) | C+ | (2.3 Pts.) | D+ | (1.3 Pts.) |
A | (4.0 Pts.) | B | (3.0 Pts.) | C | (2.0 Pts.) | D | (1.0 Pts.) |
A‑ | (3.7 Pts.) | B- | (2.7 Pts.) | C- | (1.7 Pts.) | D- | (0.7 Pts.) |
WF | Withdrawn Failing (0 Pts.) (Discontinued First Semester 1977 78) | ||||||
F | Failing (0 Pts.) |
The grades in the table below are not considered in computing semester or cumulative university grade point averages.
Grade | Explanation |
AU | Audit No credit (Discontinued 1965) |
AX through DX | (Including plus and minus grades) Denotes a graded course taken under the Extended-X Policy (effective Fall 1994) (See Retaken/Replaced Explanation above). |
CF | Credited on Certificate (Discontinued 1965) |
DF | Deferred (Discontinued 1965; Treated as Incomplete) |
E | Conditional (Discontinued 1965; Treated as Incomplete) |
EX | Exemption (Discontinued 1965) |
FX | Denotes a course originally failed and subsequently retaken during or after First Semester 1976-77. (See Undergraduate GPA exception above). |
I | Incomplete (Effective First Semester 1977-78, automatically changed to F after one calendar year; See also grade of R.) |
NC | No Credit (Established 1971); replaced AUDIT (AU) |
NR | No Report Submitted by Instructor (Used for unreported grades for prior semesters or coursework that has not been graded for the current semester) |
NY | Used to signify enrollment in a special program for which credit when earned will be shown as an ADDITIONAL entry on the permanent academic record. |
O | Denotes an Incomplete in a course taught through Purdue University. |
P | Passed (pass/fail option). The pass/fail option permits graduate and undergraduate students to enroll in a course and receive a grade of P or F. Pass/fail option courses are normally limited to electives. The responsibility of approval, as well as special regulations affecting the option, rests with the dean of the student's school or division under procedures which the school or division establishes. Instructors are not notified of undergraduate students registering for this option. A grade of P cannot subsequently be changed to a grade of A, B, C, or D. |
R | Deferred (Effective First Semester 1977-78, used for course work which can be evaluated only after two or more semesters such course work was previously graded with I.) |
S | Satisfactory (entire class graded S or F) In response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, faculty policies allowed the awarding of an S grade instead of a standard letter grade in Spring Semester 2020. |
T | Denotes credits transferred from another institution. |
W | Withdrawn Passing (Prior to Second Semester 1974-75, used to indicate withdrawal while passing. Effective Second Semester 1974-75, used to reflect students who withdraw while passing after the official Drop and Add Period.) |
X | Pre-1965, denotes Passed Without Grade (Treated as Satisfactory) Beginning Fall 2021, denotes a retaken/replaced letter grade (See Retaken/Replaced Explanation). |
GPA Calculations
Semester and cumulative grade-point average (GPA) calculations will appear on One.IU (once grades are official) and on the official Indiana University academic record as maintained by the Office of the Registrar. Students should note that a cumulative GPA and hours calculations as applied to degree requirements and graduation are maintained by the offices of the deans and recorders of the student’s school and may differ from those appearing on the university record. Students should consult the student records office of their school for all questions pertaining to degree hours and degree GPA.
Pass/Fail Option
See Pass/Fail Option in for further information.
Residence Classification
Every student who attends Indiana University is classified as either a resident or nonresident student for fee-paying purposes. Students who wish to appeal their residence classification or who have questions about their classification should first review the Rules Determining Resident and Nonresident Student Status for Indiana University Fee Purposes and then contact the Office of the Registrar, 408 N. Union St., 855-2464.
Students returning to Indiana University after an absence of twelve or more consecutive months will need to provide additional information to the Office of the Registrar in order to clarify their residence status for fee-paying purposes. This information concerns employment, residential addresses and enrollment at other institutions of higher education during the period since their last semester enrolled on any campus of Indiana University. Following registration for each session, a residence audit of the enrollment files will identify returning students. An e-mail request will be sent to those returning students who have not yet submitted the electronic Residence Classification Form for Fee-Paying Purposes at Indiana University form.
Room Scheduling
Faculty and Staff
Submit a request for one-time or recurring events that take place in General Inventory classrooms (including computer labs) through the Campus Event Registration Form.
IU-Bloomington Students
Students can submit all campus event requests through the Student Involvement and Leadership Center, part of the Division of Student Affairs. Go to the Event Registration Form.
Cancel or Alter a Reservation
To make changes to your online registration requests, please contact Room Scheduling via e-mail at or call us at (812) 855-2489, Monday through Friday until 4:30p.m.
Student Directory Information
Certain information about students, called student directory or public information, can be released unless the student has filed a request for nondisclosure. Other information, called protected information, cannot be released without student consent. Learn more about each type of information and how to manage its privacy.
Public information about you includes:
- Name
- University email address
- Major
- Dates of attendance
- Admission or enrollment status
- Currently enrolled status (Y/N)
- Campus, school, college, or division
- Class standing
- Degrees and awards
- Activities
- Sports and athletic information
To restrict the release of some of this information, log into One.IU and adjust your privacy settings in the Student Center.
To restrict the release of all of this information (known as a total FERPA restriction), you’ll need to contact Student Central.
Students may obtain a copy of their academic record at Indiana University or request a copy be sent to a third party. For a full description of transcript information and in-person, mail, or online services, please visit Indiana University Transcripts to learn more about ordering a transcript. For further inquiry you may contact Indiana University Transcripts by e-mail at or by phone at (812) 855-4500.
Undergraduate Class Standing
Undergraduate class standing is determined by the number of hours completed in a student’s current program.
Freshman: 0-29
Sophomore: 30-59
Junior: 60-89
Senior: 90+