Career Services are offered by schools and academic units at IU to help you prepare for success whether you're looking for internships, employment opportunities, or assistance in crafting your resume.
Helping You Succeed
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Wells Library (1320 E. 10th Street), Room 002
(812) 855-5234
We are the gateway to career services on the Indiana University Bloomington campus, offering students a strong foundation for career development success. As a student-focused center, our mission is to:
- provide individualized career coaching for University Division students to cultivate self-awareness, career and major exploration, and marketable skills
- increase opportunities for experiential learning
- meet the unique needs of specific student populations
Our services include:
- Drop-in Career Coaching – all topics (University Division Students only); part-time job search (all IUB students)
- Individual Career Coaching Appointments for Advising & Major Exploration Services (AMES) students
- Tailored Exploratory Programming: choosing a major and career exploration programs, self-assessment group interpretations, part-time job and internship search strategies, resume writing, interview preparation, industry awareness, and Crossroad Career Coaching
- Experiential Education: part-time jobs, job shadowing, and internships
- Handshake: online job postings, networking events, career fairs, and access to career services
- Online career guides which include assistance with interviews, crafting a resume, and resources for various industries, majors, and identity populations
Deciding on a career is one of the most important decisions a student will make, and the staff at Career Exploration & Student Employment are dedicated to providing students with a multitude of experiences and resources that will enable them to make informed career decisions.
For a full description of our services, visit, call us at (812) 855-5234, or come see us at Wells Library, Room 002 (1320 E. 10th Street).
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Ernie Pyle Hall, 940 E. Seventh Street
(812) 856-4278
The Walter Center for Career Achievement provides comprehensive career planning to IU undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Arts & Sciences. These career services include career coaching, career fairs, career events and panels, web-based and print resources, on-campus interviews, employer and alumni connections, and job and internship listings.
Freshmen and sophomores may enroll in ASCS Q295: Design Your Life and Career, an eight week, two-credit course, focused on exploring individuals’ work and life values, strengths and interests, aligning these with meaningful work, and establishing skill sets to pivot and change throughout one’s professional journey.Students in this course will gain a strong foundation on which to build their academic success and career readiness.
Sophomores, juniors and seniors may enroll in ASCS Q299: Build Your Professional Story for Your Job and Internship Search, an eight-week, one-credit course that introduces a job and internship search paradigm focused on developing a professional story and communicating it through resumes, cover letters, interviews and networking. Sophomores, juniors and seniors may enroll in ASCS Q296: College to Career II: Navigate Your Arts and Sciences Experience, a sixteen week, two-credit course, which explores the relationship between academic and extracurricular choices and life after graduation while developing customized application materials.
Students wishing to receive internship credit for their qualified experiential learning experiences may enroll in ASCS-X375: Full-Time Internship. Students must apply and be approved for internship course credit prior to enrolling in this course.
Creating a plan for post-graduate success is one of the most important decisions a student will make. The faculty and staff at the Walter Center for Career Achievement are dedicated to providing students with a multitude of experiences and resources that will enable them to make informed decisions about the future.
Undergraduate Career Services (UCS)
Prebys Career Services Center O200
Telephone: 855-5317
Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
The UCS serves more than 7,000 student registrants each year and coordinates recruiting activities for more than hundreds of employers who schedule thousands of on-campus interviews. Although geared for Kelley School of Business students, non-business students can participate by completing the "Compass" career classes that are required of all business undergraduates: Business T275 (including the Business T175 prerequisite) at the Bloomington Campus.
In addition to the traditional on-campus interview program, we strive to bring students and employers together in informational (non-interview) settings. These efforts take place through a variety of special programs including career fairs, off-campus job listings, corporate presentations, corporate lectures, web resume books, virtual job fairs, and other specialized events.
Complete details can be found at the UCS web site:
Graduate Career Services Office (GCS)
Prebys Career Services Center
Telephone: 856-5052
Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Graduate Career Services provides resources and individualized coaching for students in the MBA Program, Graduate Accounting Programs, Information Systems Graduate Program & Kelley Direct Online Program. GCS coordinates recruiting activities (on-campus interviews, networking events, virtual information sessions) with over 100 companies seeking Kelley talent each year.
Complete details can be found at the GCS web site:
Career Connections
W.W. Wright Education Building 1000
8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday
Telephone: 856-8506
Career Connections assists education students and alumni with career services for P-12 careers and related fields. Our career coaches provide one-one-one job career advising, resume reviews, cover letter and other correspondence assistance, mock interviews, and more.
Our staff also coordinate a series of professional development workshops throughout the year, utilizing community guest speakers in order to support students’ classroom learning with practical skills for education careers.
Career Connections hosts the School of Education Annual Interview Day, which is held in late April. Over 80 school districts from Indiana and a dozen additional states visit campus to participate in pre-scheduled interviews with graduating education candidates for their upcoming teaching vacancies.
Our office acts as a liaison with employers in a variety of ways: facilitating employer advisory councils in order to inform school district hiring needs and candidate best practices, maintaining a dynamic job board for IU students, responding to employer requests with qualified candidate resume referrals, and hosting on-campus information sessions and interviewing.
Students interested in comprehensive job search services are highly encouraged to enroll in EDUC-M 202: Job Search Strategies for Educators, a one-credit, eight-week course offered every fall, spring, and summer semester, on-campus and online.
To get started, log in to Career Connections now, using the student login link at
Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Luddy Hall, First Floor
700 N. Woodlawn Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408
(812) 856-6016
Who we serve:
Career Services at the School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering serves undergraduate students, master’s students, Ph.D. students, and alumni within our school, as well as any undergraduate student interested in learning more about opportunities within the School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering.
What we do:
The primary mission of SICE Career Services is to provide opportunities and resources that will empower students to define their career goals, develop professional life skills, obtain related experience, and realize their career potential.
Career Services at the School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering meets with undergraduate and graduate students to help them with career-related topics, including self-assessment and career exploration, resume and cover letter writing, interview preparation (including technical mock interviews), job offer negotiation, and more. Current students (undergraduate and graduate) can schedule appointments through SICE Careers. (
Exploratory students and pre-majors interested in learning more about majors, minors, certificates, or other opportunities in the School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering are welcome to schedule an appointment with one of our associate directors of academic and career planning, and/or attend a Lunch and Learn session. They are also encouraged to take the course Y100: Exploring Informatics and Computer Science.
Career Services Office
Law Building 020
Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Telephone: 855-0258
The Career Services Office serves as a bridge between employers and law students, offering a spectrum of services to assist students in their personal career and professional skills development. The CSO works year-round assisting students and alumni through a customized approach that helps them develop a unique career search strategy based on their values, interests, personality and skills. Among the many services offered are (1) job search and career development seminars; (2) individual career coaching sessions; (3) on-campus recruiting; (4) job listings web site; (5) national job fairs; and (6) an extensive career resource collection. The CSO also contributes to the required 1L Legal Profession course, which prepares new lawyers for the profession through seminars and workshops on self-assessment, networking, application materials, and interview techniques, as well as panels of distinguished alumni and other practitioners who discuss their career choices and share their wisdom with students.
Students can keep abreast of new developments, job positions and events on CareerNet (
The Jacobs School of Music Office of Entrepreneurship and Career Development (OECD) provides expert guidance and resources and hosts a variety of events that are designed to empower Jacobs School of Music students as they prepare for a career in music and/or dance. The OECD offers one-on-one career advising, departmental career days, a variety of workshops, and mentorship to student organizations and projects.
The OECD also offers undergraduate and graduate career development courses designed to help students expand their professional knowledge, develop self-awareness, communicate effectively, and prepare a competitive portfolio. An undergraduate Certificate in Music Entrepreneurship, which includes two Jacobs of School Music courses and three Kelley School of Business courses, is available for all undergraduates.
The OECD includes a student leadership team that promotes entrepreneurial action by offering high-impact career development and entrepreneurship workshops, networking events, peer support for projects, mini-conferences, and coordination of the annual Innovation Competition. The Office also provides mentorship, guidance, and support to the approximately 22 IU student organizations associated with the Jacobs School of Music.
More information about the OECD can be found at
Office of Career Services, SPEA 200
Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
SPEA’s Office of Career Services provides comprehensive career development services for students pursuing careers in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. The services offered to students include (1) A web-based job listing service,, (2) on-campus recruiting, (3) individual career counseling, (4) employer information sessions, (5) alumni mentoring, and (6) user-friendly web-based career resources and an extensive career resource library.
Undergraduate students are required to complete V252: Career Development and Planning, a full-semester, two-credit course, which assists students with self-assessment and preparation for the labor market and overall post-graduate success.
The Office of Career Services also coordinates and administers the Indiana University Washington Leadership Program (WLP). The WLP affords 20-30 IU students the opportunity to take classes and participate in high-level internships in our nation’s capital. WLP participants earn IU academic credit for this experience. The WLP is offered every fall and spring semester and it is open to all IU-Bloomington majors, and SPEA majors on other IU campuses.